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(2 edits)

The new file ( is the final version of the game with bonus scenes originally for

Patreon supporters only. Most importantly, it does not break at game start. It can now be played through.

I just bought and downloaded the mac version given you promised all bugs were fixed, but it is crashng during the intro; just after character crashes on Island. I see now that the version with all bug fixes is only for the windows version; can you please add the same fixes for mac or please refund me my money?


Please reply or give refund.


$15 for an unplayable version?

That's bad business.


This game crashes in the first scene. Unplayable as previously commented


Game crash when arriving at island.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'images/begin/sc1_19.png'>:

Exception: Could not load image u'images/begin/sc1_19.png': error('Failed to decode WEBP',)



Island of Lust 1.0.250821

Fri Oct  8 10:08:36 2021
